The Significancy

The Significancy

Despite the negative news in the main stream media relating to wars and refugees, several business sectors have been experiencing substancial profit growth in African countries. A major factor contributing to this growth is the repatriation of money by Africans in the Diaspora. According to the world world bank, it is estimated that the total remittances by African Diaspora range between $10 and $40 billion per annum. These figures illuminate the significance of the African population in Europe, the Americas and the rest of the world.


One thought on “The Significancy

Curtis TanakaPosted on  8:42 pm - Jun 22, 2010

Nice post! You truly have a wonderful way of writing which I find captivating! I will definitely be bookmarking you and returning to your blog. In fact, your post reminded me about a strange thing that happened to me the other day. I’ll tell you about that later…

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