African Entertainment in the Streaming Service Industry
Entertainment is part of African culture. Diverse art forms such as storytelling, theater, percussion sessions, music concerts, dance performances, and acrobatic shows make up African entertainment. The combination of these arts creates the basis of the African film industry. Streaming service platforms such as Netflix, Apple TV, Spotify, and Disney, focus their businesses on multi-billion-dollar Hollywood films and neglect African films. The streaming industry attitude is, however, changing. This is due to the success of some African actors. They are winning awards and gaining fame for their roles in Hollywood films.In addition to the gradual popularity of African actors in the Diaspora, film productions have improved and now employ modern technology and sound systems. The industry creates films of international standards that appeal to international audiences.
African entertainment, streaming services, storytelling, theater, percussion, acrobatics, dance performances, film productions
To be continued.
afritopic® 2020