Category ArchiveManagement

Why is there no African Business of Global Reputation?

Whenever mainstream media broadcast events with pictures of Africans, and street views in any African country, it is not unusual…

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The integration and adoption of new technologies in diverse industries and services have changed world economics and human way of…

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Worcester Beef (A brief Case Study/Business Analysis)

1. Executive Summary
Worcester beef company has grown from a small retail meat store bought by Edward Grant and Manuel Searles in 1943 to a conglomerate of companies including cold storage company, real estate holding, stocks and a truck leasing company. It also owns

UPS (A brief Case Study/Business Analysis)

1. Executive Summary
In 1907, Jim Casey founded the American Messenger Company, which is known today as United Parcel Service (UPS), with his friend Claude Ryan, Lukas, P., Overfelt, M. (2003).The company has since then grown from providing services within its local

Plastechnology (A brief Case Study/Business Analysis)

1. Executive Summary
The plastic injection molding industry is a huge market that continues to grow due to demand of the products and services in almost every industry sector. A new business start-up is planned to debut in Boston, Massachusetts at the beginning

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