Category Archiveinformation technology

The impact of Social Media on African Lifestyle

“Has Dele a new girlfriend?”, Toyin asked with her eyes fixed on her mobile phone. “No”, Bola replied. “But here…

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What can IT do?

Information Technology

Information Technology

IT can and must continue to become more business-centric.
1) Improve communications. IT must communicate with the business in terms that are clear. Ratherthan talking in terms of MegaBytes and Gigahertz, IT needs to talk in term of Return on Investment (ROI), competitive advantage and other metrics used by business. By communicating with the business, IT can better understand the needs of the business. It is not the job of the business leaders to know

AMD versus Intel – The Microprocessor Market

AMD versus Intel-Microprocessor market

AMD versus Intel-Microprocessor market

The semiconductor industry is arguably a major technology driver that has continuously induced innovation in diverse industry sectors due to intense competition. The products of the semiconductor industry particularly microprocessors have enabled the development of high performance computers, industrial as well as household equipments, consumer electronics and mobile devices. The microprocessor is generally referred to as the central processing unit (CPU). It consists of a silicon chip holding a series of transistors together with other components and controls the central processing function of the computer and other devices in which it is employed.

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