Category Archiveentrepreneurship

Intrapreneurship-Supportive Culture

The essence of culture is not what is shallow, clearly visible on the surface; more important are the shared ways by which groups of people understand and interpret the world. This essential core of culture consists of traditional, that is historically derived,

Defining Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the process of combining various resources such as finance and manpower to develop an idea into a novel, innovative, value-added product or service that creates or fascilitates economic growth.

Cultural Influence on Entrepreneurship

culture and entrepreneurship

culture and entrepreneurship

Though the economic factors influencing self-employment are clearly important, they do not address the possible impact of culture either directly on self-employment or indirectly as an influence on these economic factors. Moreover, there remains a high level of unexplained variation across countries when only economic variables are taken into account. Thus, more recently, researchers have also looked toward cultural factors to explain this variation. This section reviews the basic terminology used with respect to culture, how it has been applied to entrepreneurship research, and finally how the variable of post-materialism may be thought to influence entrepreneurial activity.

Compensating for Your Entrepreneurial Style-or Lack of Style by Glenn Beach

I recently took an entrepreneurial quiz which evaluated my answers and informed me I would do best as a hired hand! So why am I a successful home business owner? Because I’ve learned to fill the holes in my entrepreneurial style, and compensate for my deficiencies. Let’s start with a list of qualities that might benefit someone working for him/herself:

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