Category ArchiveEntrepreneurial Competencies

Entrepreneurial Competencies Identified By The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI)

Entrepreneurial Competencies

Entrepreneurial Competencies

Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
On a trip down south, at Nagpur you marvel at the size of the oranges and the price at which they are available. You buy in dozens and consume these merrily en route. This is consumer’s mindset. On the contrary, an entrepreneurially thinking individual, he may buy and enjoy the oranges as well, would also start thinking what if I arrange for their transportation and sale at my place…

Paranormal Beliefs


spirituality-Paranormal Beliefs

Paranormal beliefs and experiences are associated with  certain personality factors, including absorption, fantasy proneness, and the Myers-Briggs intuition and feeling personality dimensions. Skepticism appears to be associated with materialistic, rational, pragmatic personality types. Attitude toward psi may also be influenced by motivations to have control and efficacy, to have a sense of meaning and purpose in life, to be connected with others, to have transcendent experiences, to have self-worth, to feel superior to others, and to be healed. The efforts to obtain reliable control of psi in experimental parapsychology

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