Category ArchiveEconomy


The integration and adoption of new technologies in diverse industries and services have changed world economics and human way of…

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Is Africa on the Brink of “Things Fall Apart”?

A synopsis of Africa’s history tells us that Africans developed indigenous sustainable agricultural methods, herbal medicines, governance based on culture…

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China’s African “Exocountries”

China is growing rapidly economically. Through its “Made in China 2025” plan, the Chinese government is determined to make China…

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The Role of Chemistry in the Economic Development of African Countries

Chemistry as a natural science has helped in discovering and understanding the properties of different elements found on earth. The…

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Worcester Beef (A brief Case Study/Business Analysis)

1. Executive Summary
Worcester beef company has grown from a small retail meat store bought by Edward Grant and Manuel Searles in 1943 to a conglomerate of companies including cold storage company, real estate holding, stocks and a truck leasing company. It also owns

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