Category ArchiveDance


Samba parade at the Africa Festival Wuerzburg 2007

Samba parade at the Africa Festival Wuerzburg 2007

Whenever the word „Samba“or the typical rhythmic sounds of the music is heard, one’s mind travels to Brazil. Samba music and dance are part of the cultural heritage contributed by Africans to the social life of Brazil. The east coast of South America was discovered by the Portuguese and named Rio de Janeiro (January River) in the 16th century.

The Show Goes On

Summerjam 2006

Summerjam 2006

It began 21 years ago and the community continues to grow. Regggae, Dance Hall, Hip Hop, Soul and other Black music artists keep the entertainment industry rolling worldwide. At the Fuehlinger see in Cologne , Germany , some of the most creative artists performed to the satisfaction of thousands of visitors during the 3-day Summerjam festival from 14-16 July 2006. Afritopic was there to witness the show going on.

Summerjam 2005 – 20th Anniversary

Amadou & Mariam in concert at the Summerjam 2005

Amadou & Mariam in concert at the Summerjam 2005

Summerjam is arguable one of the biggest Reggae event of its kind not only in Germany but in the whole of Europe . Each year for the past 20 years, the event brings together popular and talented music artists in the Reggae, African, Hip Hop and Dance Hall music sector to perform live. The relaxed, festival atmosphere of the event attracts visitors from all parts of Germany as well as Europe .

Africa Festival Wuerzburg 2005

Africa Festival Wuerzburg 2005

Africa Festival Wuerzburg 2005

Sunshine, percussion rhythms that made your body automatically swing, artworks and fashion accessories made of natural materials. That was not all. The air was filled with appetizing exotic spicy smell that intuitively invited you to have a taste of the food. People from different cultures, young and elderly, with smiles on their faces boldly expressing happiness and enjoying the atmosphere; the atmosphere of the 17th African Festival in Wuerzburg between 26-29th May 2005.

Masala Welt-Beat Festival

Macire Sylla in Concert at Masala Festival, Hannover 2004

Macire Sylla in Concert at Masala Festival, Hannover 2004

The ‘Masala Welt-Beat Festival’ is a yearly festival that aims at bringing different cultures together. The festival takes place in and around Hannover, Germany with music concerts, world market, discussion forums and diverse intercultural events on the program’s list. AFRITOPIC attended the festival and interviewed Gerd Kespohl, who is one of the initiators of the festival. Also presented are photos from one of the festival’s concerts featuring MacireSylla.

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