Why is there no African Business of Global Reputation?
Whenever mainstream media broadcast events with pictures of Africans, and street views in any African country, it is not unusual to see advertisements
Whenever mainstream media broadcast events with pictures of Africans, and street views in any African country, it is not unusual to see advertisements
Entertainment is part of African culture. Diverse art forms such as storytelling, theater, percussion sessions, music concerts, dance performances, and acrobatic shows make up African entertainment.
On the 12th of April 2019, Jumia Group launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO).
The integration and adoption of new technologies in diverse industries and services have changed world economics and human way of life. The world economics today is not the same as it was 5 decades ago. While the once undisputable economic power of the world, USA,
A synopsis of Africa’s history tells us that Africans developed indigenous sustainable agricultural methods, herbal medicines, governance based on culture rules, and creativity in arts long before