Beware of Racist Neo-Nazi Bastards in Disguise
You receive smiles from them when you look at them directly while they stare at you. The smile is a defensive shield because you startle them. These racists include not only members of the extreme right-wing group but also government officials and workers from a variety of industries. They may be your neighbor or your colleagues at work. The mainstream media tend to focus on and identify members of right-wing political groups and Neo-Nazis as racists. But these are the racists that show themselves and publicly identify as such. In reality, there is by far a large number of racist Neo-Nazi bastards in disguise. These nonentities deny racial abuses and attacks as racial violence. They proclaim to welcome racial diversity but with an undertone demanding that people with different cultures should assimilate their way of life.
To be continued
afritopic® 2020
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