An African Evening with Fashion Show in Dortmund

An evening with exotic African foods, African music and a fashion show was organized by the Cameroonian Union in Dortmund/Ruhr-Area on Saturday November 8, 2003. With support from the Academic Foreign Office of Dortmund University and Fachhochschule, the event took place at the Gallerie-Treff on the University’s campus. Afrtopic was there and reports below.


Jean-Paul Bourelly

Spontaneous improvisation, creative blending of elements from diverse music genre and implementation of indigenous /local instruments as well as modern technology contribute to the uniqueness of Jean-Paul Bourelly’s music. In an interview with AFRITOPIC, Jean-Paul talks about his music and project engagements. Afritopic: Under which category would you list your type of music? Jean-Paul: In […]


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